Interactive whiteboards & Math (4th-5th grade)

Learning Goals

Learning Activities students master

Teacher Roles

Learning Assessments measure progress

students will

Can be achieved through these
characteristics of learning


Active technology



Collaborative problem solving on board # #

Drawing features to visually represent problems

peer modeling facilitates

teacher modeling element of

play math game

model manipulation #

on-going collaborative concept map of key processes #

real world data analysis # # #

record class data

Should embody





Can be determined through

project questions for formative assessment

Mindset of equal learner in the process

Allows for deeper conversation to increase meaning and students can learn through teaching others.

Helps to establish growth mindset in the classroom.


drag and drop



questions presented on board and groups solve student engage

Exit slips

Ask students to present their own math problems to peers.

Allows manipulation of variables and scientific inquiry.

Helps student graphically organize and interrelate key concepts, makes learning meaningful through elaborartion.

Students strengthen own understanding and support classmates' learning through demonstration and explanation.

Students may work in teams to answer questions requiring higher order thinking skills, facilitates study and review of key concepts and skills.

Helps students visualize problems in a new way.

Demonstrates authentic use of classroom skills and knowledge in the real world, makes learning meaningful and useful. Data may be "messier" than practice problems and can challenge students to think creatively.

Allows students to observe and hear explicit instructions for and explanations of cognitive processes, also gives opportunites to ask questions

Encourages students to think critically about data and engage in authentic inquiry

Allows students to test hypotheses and think about abstract concepts in more concrete ways.

Demonstrate the processes and
strategies involved in thinking
about certain kinds of problems
and how they might be solved.

Help students find resources they need and utilize appropriate strategies.

Encourage students to work through problems
on their own and with the support of classmates

Challenge students to look at situations from another perspective and look for creative solutions.

Give constructive feedback, strategies for improvement, and praise for effort and progress toward goals.

Applies problem in a real life , authentic setting

Teacher is able to take on role of learner as well to support student learning and interaction with one another.

Allows for hands-on learning experiences.

May uncover misconceptions or confusions students may have within the topic or subtopic.

Helps students to understand growth mindset in all facets of the classroom.

Real time data feedback that represents what each student understands individually.

Encourage students throughout their learning with enthusiasm



Concept Maps

students mastermeasure progresstechnologyTo show this characteristicfacilitateselement ofstudent engage will conductShould use to assess