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C (Commence (आरंभ) (The finance team commenced work from the first day FM…
C (Commence (आरंभ), Collaboration (सहयोग), Contemplating(पर विचार), Contentious (विवादास्पद), Conventional (परम्परागत), Collusion (मिलीभगत), Coherence(जुटना), Contemporary (समकालीन), Comprehensive (व्यापक), Circumspect (चौकस), Clemency (दया), Cognizant (जानकार), Candid (स्पष्ट , truthful and straightforward), Castigate (पीटना), Courteous (विनम्र), Cognitive(ज्ञान-संबंधी), Conservative(रूढ़िवादी), Capitulate (शर्त पर हथियार डाल देना), caveat (चेतावनी), Confine (सीमित), commodious (Large and roomy), complacent (आत्मसंतुष्ट), Concede(स्वीकार करना), Conceited (अभिमानी), conciliatory (मिलाप करनेवाला), Conclave (a private meeting.), Concord(एकता), Conflate (combine (two or more texts, ideas, etc.) into one.), Confluence (मिलाप), conformity (compliance with standards, rules, or laws.), Confound (उलझाना), conjecture(अनुमान), Consensus(आम सहमति), Conserve (सुरक्षित रखना), consolation (तसल्ली), consummate (complete or perfect), Contrived (काल्पनिक), copious (abundant in supply or quantity.), Corroborate (समर्थन करना), Covert (secret or hidden), Coveted (Greatly Desired), Credible (Convincing), Cryptic (गुप्त), CrestFallen (उदास), Culminate (नतीजा निकलना), Cumbersome (difficult to handle), Culpable (दंडनीय), Curtain (terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end), Cynical (रूखा), Colossal (Great in size), Compelling (Driving or Forcing), converse (उलटा , बातचीत करना), contiguous (Sharing same boundary, touching) )