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Electronic Technology (some machines can change electrical energy in order…
Electronic Technology (some machines can change electrical energy in order to do work., you can change the conductivity of a semiconductor through dopping , is the addition of impurity to a semiconductor., power plants sen electrical energy to homes by means of alternating current., an integrated circuit is an entire circuit that has many components on a single semiconductor. , One of the electronic communication devices was the telegraph., Electronic communications devices, including the telegraph send information by using signals,, A analog signal is a signal whose properties change without a break or jump between values., a digital signal is a signal that is represented as a sequence of separated values., Radio waves are one kind of EM wave. Radio stations use waves to carry signals that represented sound., A computer is an electronic device that performs tasks following instructions given to it., A microprocessor is a single semiconductor chip that can acept data and instructions., Different parts of computer do diffent jobs. Hardware is the parts or pieces of equipment that make up a computer., Information can be stored in the computers memmory unit it is needed.)