National Education Policy(India)
(Share your thoughts and Ideas about NEP)
Teachers Training
What are the possible ways of teachers training?
Mandatory research for university teachers
Students should be taught about scientific thinking
References about scientific thinking:
Philosophy and Critical Thinking (Thinking about Thinking)
Students should be taught with inquiry-based approach
It increases curiosity among students
Students pay more attention in class and participate in class instead of just becoming a passive listener
References to inquiry based approach
Effective Teaching Strategies for Biology
Teaching With Technology and Inquiry: An Open Course For Teachers
Gender Equality
How to encourage girls for higher education especially in STEM?
What measures need to be taken against bullying in class?
Student Tracking System
Shala Asmita Yojana (SAY)
What are the features you need in the tracking system? What needs to be tracked?
Credit transfer in colleges and university
Different colleges and different university have different syllabus for the same course. Also, they don't update their curriculum with time. How this can be fixed?
Teachers Selection
What should be the detail procedure in selecting teachers?
Shouldn't their be National Eligibility Test in all streams to become a teacher.
Even National Eligibility Test alone can't guarantee good teachers, what other steps need to be taken?
Saving Schools Mini-Course 2: Teacher Policies
Teachers don't utilize their time in reading and research. How can they be motivated for research?
What do you think about open laboratories?
Students Assessment and Learning Outcomes
What question should be asked in written exams to access them properly and discourage rote learning?
Questions in universities should be set in a way that requires critical analysis, experimental approach, high order thinking in order to solve them.
Questions in schools should be conceptual that test their understanding, not their memory
Writing Exams for Science and Engineering Courses
How can be identify students suffering from different disorders such as Dyslexia, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Don't they require special attention and special assessment (curriculum)
How can we make questions more personalized and allow them to study in regular schools without any trouble?
Shouldn't there be central repositories for storing all the answer scripts from class 1 to higher education for open/peer review?
If we do this, we can understand which questions students are failing badly, why and we will be able to address it.
Psychology and Mental health of Students
Physical Health of Students
Government is promoting Yoga in schools but is there any assessment of its impact in schools? Are students asked about how good they feel?
What needs to be done to promote sports in schools?
Aren't we making students just bookworms and forcing them to read all the time?
Shouldn't we increase student's curiosity to play outdoor instead of just passive viewing of sports in television or becoming a video game addict.
What needs to be done for stress management of students so that they become resilient?
Becoming a Resilient Person: The Science of Stress Management and Promoting Wellbeing
Edmund J Bourne - Anxiety and Phobia Workbook
Recent data shows girls are performing better than Boys in schools but why don't they opt for higher education?
Also what are the reasons of not performing well among boys?
Shouldn't school be taught what difference exists between boys and girls along with evidences?
e.g. There is many misconceptions about women/ girls among students or especially among parents
Most books in India are horribly written that only promotes rote memorization. State board books are even most horrible.
Shouldn't India prefer international books contributed by renowned researchers all over the world, instead of limiting ourselves to states or country?
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Questioning in classroom – the most powerful tool in the classroom
student-centred, students become stakeholders in their own learning, it is a major part of the common core standards
Modern Educators
e.g. A teacher who is willing to try new things and fail in front of the class.