Physical Activity: Active Play

Guide to the National Quality Standard

Standard 2.2 Healthy Eating and Physical activity are embedded in the program for children

Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline

Wellbeing Related EYLF Learning Outcome

Exploring ways to promote physical wellbeing

Element 2.2.2 Physical Activity is promoted through planned and spontaneous experiences and is appropriate for each child

Ways to stay healthy and safe

Early Years Learning Framework

Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing

Get up and Grow Guidelines

Section Two: Physical Activity

Recommendation: Toddlers (1-3) and pre-schoolers (3-5) should be physically active every day for at least 3 hours, spread throughout the day

Recommended activities

Upper body movements, lower body movements, climbing, balancing, buildings, creative movement used recommended activities to develop activity ideas

indoor and outdoor play


how their body can move, where their body can move, what their body can do and who they can do it with

creative movement

develops self-control, body awareness, spatial awareness, group cooperation
listening, understanding, and responding to instructions, reasoning and problem-solving skills, self-expression, creativity, large motor skills

combination on indoor and outdoor play and structured and spontaneous play

helping children understand how their body can move and what their body can do

scarf play

ribbons and streamer


greeting/circle time dance

