Technology Standards
Associated with Education
ISTE Standards for Teachers
ISTE Standards for Students
Learning and Technology
Policy Framework
ICT Program of Studies
Student Learning and Creativity: educators progress student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and online environments by promoting student reflect and inventiveness
Design & Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences: incorporating contemporary resources to enhance content and develop knowledge of technology
Model Digital Age Work and Learning: exhibit fluency with different technology systems and collaborate to support student success.
Digital Citizenship: understanding global societal issues and exhibiting ethical behaviour.
Professional Growth and Leadership: continuously improve their professional practice.
Knowledge Constructor: creating meaningful experiences for themselves and others using digital tools
Creative Communicator: communicating clearly by choosing the appropriate platform.
Empowered Learner: have an active role in choosing how to demonstrate competency in their learning goals.
Innovative Designer: using a variety of technologies to create imaginative solutions and generate ideas.
Global Collaborator: using digital tools to enrich learning with collaborations locally and globally.
Student Centerd Learning: support personalized and authentic learning for students through developing and applying critical thinking and innovativeness.
Professional Learning: create digitally confident teachers that use technology effectively.
Research and Innovation: apply research and evidence based on reasoning to support personalized inventive learning.
Digital Learning Environments: access devices for digital learning environments for maximized learning and improvement.
Leadership: education leaders harness effective and innovative technology techniques.
Alternative Viewpoints: using different viewpoints to enhance decision making and problem solving.
Interact with Others: using communication technology to making connections with other people.
Demonstrate a Moral and Ethical Approach: use technology with good intent and ethics.
Critically Assess Information: use a variety of technologies to evaluate information.
Role of Technology: grasp the role of technology and how to apply it to the self, work, and society.
CONNECTION: by encouraging innovation the student ultimately is the centre of the learning environment.
CONNECTION: creating fluency with technology so students can communicate properly.
CONNECTION: enhancing content and experiences.
CONNECTION: using technology tools to interact with people around the world.
CONNECTION: teachers can steer students in the right direction.
CONNECTION: understand how to properly apply devices for proper learning and societal advancements.
CONNECTION: teachers are always trying to better themselves for their students.
CONNECTION: using technology is a purposeful way with different techniques to accomplish a task.
CONNECTION: approaching technology with good etiquette and cultural understanding.
CONNECTION: choosing the technology to enhance learning.