Native American vs Puritan Literature
Puritan Literature
Native American Literature
Navaho Origin Legend
I Went To Kill the Deer
I Have Killed the Deer
Prayer at Sunrise
The World on a Turtle's Back
Author to Her Book
Edward Taylor
Upon the Burning of Our House
To My Dear and Loving Husband
Upon a Spider Catching a Fly
Anne Bradstreet
Jonathan Edwards
William Bradford
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
A Generalle Historie of Virginia
Cotton Mather
John Smith
The Wonders of an Invisible World
Puritans vs. Pilgrims
Pilgrims were separatists
Puritans- reform the Church of England
Puritans were non-separatists
Attributes Natives for helping Puritans get closer to God
Tells John Smith's adventures with Natives (ivory compass first time, Pocahontas second time)
Explains why people died (shortage of food, etc)
Use of conceit
Founded Jamestown in 1607
Pocahontas legend
Known as adventurer, difficult, braggart
Rhyme scheme: unique in Taylor's poems
Conceit: spiders wasps and flies as social classes
Discrimination between rich and poor, upper class and lower class, powerful and unpowerful
Conceit: paying husband back for love
Brave and impossible diction
Couplet rhyme scheme to represent husband and wife
Couplet rhyme scheme
Poem by Anne Bradstreet
Poem by Anne Bradstreet
Poem by Anne Bradstreet
Jonathan Edward's most famous sermon
Mather's major work
Pilgrims- separate from Church of England
Gave Pilgrims the name 'pilgrims'
"Of Plymouth Plantation" and part of Writing Mayflower Compact
Mayor of Plymouth (reelected 30 times)
By John Smith
Brother-in-law published poetry because she was very shy and modest
Used conceits
First published American poet
Conceit of house as a metaphor for life
Couplet rhyme scheme
Anaphora: "no"
By Edward Taylor
By Edward Taylor
Examined inner self commune with God
Conceits in the style of metaphysical poetry
Asked for God's help to glorify God and himself
Comparing one's clothes to their grace from God
Conceits and positivity
Religious grace as a gift from God
Sermons sent crowds into hysterical fits of weeping
Viewed God as wrathful and distant and people as evil
Believed he communicated directly with God
Part of Great Awakening
Deliveries had people gripping their benches to save themselves from falling into Hell
Idea that people were destined for Hell
17th/18th century minister
Over 500 books and phamplets - manged to work Scripture into all of his works
Socially and politically influential
Biased against the accusers, labeled them as childish liars
Negative viewpoint, use of persuasive techniques
Documented Salem Witch Trials
Minister with negative viewpoint
Negative, lecturing peers on sins and wrongdoings
Historical documentation
Circle of life
Give and take of nature
Necessity of man to hurt nature
Could be interpreted as invasion on white man on Natives
Interaction of man with nature
Represented through pictures
Oldest Native American piece
Creation myth
New day dawning
Fresh starts
Rhyme scheme
Left hand vs right hand, good vs evil
Emphasis of balance on power
Creation myth
Life cycles
Form of documentation