King tut and the great Pharaohs of Egypt

  1. The Great Sphinx and Stonehenge are similar due to both being megaliths and it is one of the largest stone sculptures in the world.
  2. The Great Sphinx guards the Great Pyramid and is a human head on a lion's body.
  3. King Tut's tomb is in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor, Egypt. This was where the Pharaohs and powerful nobles were buried for around 500 years during the history of Ancient Egypt.
  4. Egyptians believed the dead enjoyed such materials in the afterlife such as King Tut's tomb actually having board games in it.
  5. While King Tut is the most well known of the Pharaohs, Ramses II was the greatest pharaoh of ancient Egypt.

Tut's tomb valley of kings- Pharaohs buried

Sphinx guard Pyramid 1/2 lion 1/2 human

Sphinx and Stonehenge are megaliths

  1. Giza is located just outside what Ancient City?
  2. How many blocks were used building the pyramids?
  3. How many years did it take to build them?
  4. When did construction begin on the pyramids?
  5. What is a Necropolis? Why are the Pyramids referred to that way?
  6. List two purposes of the pyramids.
  7. What materials were used in building the pyramids?

trip to the pyramid

the abiss was not finnished

the abiss was most likley not ment to be a tomb

the well shaft is used to explain the biblical proficy stuff

the descending passage was pointed at the "dragon star"

the well shaft was most likely dug after the completion of the pyramid

the asending passage way had a couple granet plugs

the desending passage is at a 26 degree angel

the granet plugs were most likley to keep people from going up into the grand galery

the desendig pasage goes 100s of feet down

the asending passage was supported by 3 gurddles

tut got bored games

tut known Ramses II greatest

2600 BC

a cemitary that is big and old and the pyramids are reffered to that way because they are big and old and filled with dead body.


Pyramids were built as tombs for the pharaohs and to leave a legacy of their power.


limestone, granite, mortar, basalt and mud


5 things about whats his face(Ramses II)

when he was 25 his dad died

His son Mernepah was pharaoh

another one of his names was Ozymandias

Merneptah was his 13th son

one of his names was Ramses the great

Mummy game

KITTY helped me

i used a hook up his nose to get the brain

used salt to preserve body

the brain is poured into a bowl

i am kha's assistant


was not buried in jammies

was not born in Arizona

the stone sarcophagus was called a stone apartment

didn't really have a big funeral