Technology Standards for Education

ISTE Standard for Teachers

ICT Program of Studies

ISTE Standard for Students

Learning and Technology Policy Framework

Model Digital Age Work and Learning - Teachers demonstrating fluency and relevance in their use of educational technology.

Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility - Teaching safe and ethical use of technology and digital information, all while expanding cultural and global awareness. #

Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments - Integrating digital tools to advance learning activities and experiences.

Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership - Teachers continuously growing through interaction in the community as well as exhibiting a vision in technology infusion. Lastly, to help further their school and community surrounding them. #

Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity - Using knowledge of subject matter to advance student learning through real-world engagement as well as use of collaborative tools #

Knowledge Constructor - Students gain the ability to accurately evaluate online resources, and build knowledge by exploring real-world issues.

Innovative Designer - Students use design processes and tools to help expand new ideas, theories and solving problems. #

Digital Citizen - Students recognize the importance of safely managing personal digital information, and engage in safe online behaviour. #

Computational Thinker- Students develop technological methods to collect and analyze digital information, and gain a better understanding of algorithms and computational formulas for solving problems. #

Empowered Learner - Students have the ability to customize their learning environments and develop personal strategies for success. #

Professional Learning - Teachers are well prepared to use technological resources to help design student-centred learning opportunities.

Leadership - Clarity and consistency is present when using educational technology in the most effective, efficient, and feasible manner #

Research and Innovation - Educational technology research is supported and kept current

Access, Infrastructure and Digital Learning Environments - All parties within the education system have reliable support and equal access to devices, digital environments and facilities. #

Student-Centred Learning - Students use technology to complement and develop understanding of both educational material in addition to expanding their own personal aptitude.

Foundational Operations, Knowledge
and Concepts -
Students will become knowledgable, ethical users of digital technology through responsible use and practice of digital resources. #

Communicating, Inquiring, Decision Making
and Problem Solving -
Students will use technology to assess, organize, investigate, and construct information and a variety of viewpoints for both collaboration and communication. # #

Processes for Productivity - Students will learn and become technologically competent in areas such as: composition of text, manipulation of data, communication technology, and integration of applications.

Creative Communicator - Students express their ideas and thoughts clearly, as well as choosing the appropriate platforms to meet desired objectives.

Global Collaborator - Students use digital tools to connect with a variety of learners, collaborate with others, and contribute to project teams. #