Pancake Pre/Post-Deployment Testing

The Obvious
aka "Frontend checkage"


Open up Chrome in incognito mode (this will make sure you're getting updated versions of styes and scripts)

The Kinda Obvious aka "The Backend Checkage"

Is error reporting set to TRUE on Local??

Click through all top-pages and check for obvious breakage

Anything broken?


Don't panic. Can it be fixed in 10 minutes or less?

Anything broken? #


Awesome. Job well done chappie!



I need warp engines in five minutes Scottie!

Sh*t happens. Revert to backup or roll back to a stable commit




Click though all sub-pages and check for obvious breakage

Open up Firefox and do it again (ALL THE THINGS!)

Fire up Safari and do it again

Dust off your copy of Opera. Update it, and do it again.

Building for IE? Sucks for you. Test that junk.

Open up Safari, everyone on iPhone uses Safari, right? Click through every page.

Chrome. Yes again.

Don't forget to check landscape vs portrait views.

FireFox. Do as I say, not as I do.

Create a ticket for the issue and notify the appropriate parties.

Safari time. You know the drill.

Chrome por favor


Definitely check the landscape vs portrait views.

Check out Chrome

Check out FF

Check out landscape & portrait modes



Set it to TRUE

Good. Check all the frontend pages. Then load up the backend and check some pages there.

Click through all the frontend pages. Then load up the backend and check pages there.

Code Review

Each piece of code should have at least two eyes on it

Anything broken? #

The Not So Obvious aka "Find the Lurking Gotchas"

Test the normal things


Contact forms

Add to cart functionality

Shipping calculations

Test the custom things

Does the site have bespoke functionality?



Make sure you ask the client about these, so you know before you deploy.

Does the site have custom integrations?



Good. Better that way.

Make sure you know about these before you deploy, then test for them.

Make sure to test for them so you don't run into any surprises.

That makes things simple. Doney done done.

Anything broken? #

Kindle Fire

You overachiever. Make sure building for the Fire is in your SOW before you test here.

Request a code review with every PR

Make sure we're fixing any obvious issues, and checking for classes/functions that don't exist by default.

If on WP, any site-dependent plugins should live in mu-plugins, no exceptions

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