HAL PHP TEAM 3Q Retrospective(Duong)
About Japanese team
About Atsushi
In my opinion, Atsushi has good specialized skill, he resolve problems in tasks very fast.
Sometime it's hard for me to understand his comment in github so I think I and he will try to improve this problem in the future.
About Chiba
Good things
Bad things
About Yuya
I don't work so many tasks with Yuya but every task, he inspires me too much. When I work with him I feel so relaxed and comfortable.
Bad things
About Takio
Good things
Bad things
About Bridge Engineer
About Ken
In my opinion Ken is a good supporter & listener, Ken has good specialized skill, Ken is careful, hard-working and patient person. I can learn from him so many skill when I work with him, in outsite of the office he is very funny and approachable. Sometime he teach me Japanese, I really like it.
Sometime it's hard for me to listening english Ken said so I think I and he will try to improve this problem in the future.
About HAL team
About Ha
In my opinion, Mrs.Ha is careful person, a good supporter. she has so much experience not only in working and she also has good specialized skill. By that experience, she teach me how to keep the circumspection every task I did. In outsite of the office she is very approachable.
Sometime I think she should be more patient to me to be a good listener in my ideal.
About Duong
Good things
Bad things
About work
Work flow
In my opinion, it's easier to understand the requirement so it takes less hits to communicate in each task.
Hard and take much time to write the requirement for JP engineer
Skill Up
I improve my PHP too much.
In this time, I can pratice my self more patient, more careful.
I also improve some of my skill when I do testing from Ken san
I still want to learn japanese but I don't have to much opportunity, in the future I will learn in the office with my teacher to make it better.
We have directed supporter is Ken so we can communicate easier.
In my opinion, because of writing is primary via cards in Trello so in some case we cannot understand clearly (task or commit or requirement) and It also take much time to response if we communicate by writing. So in the future maybe we can discus via webcame or maybe I will improve my japanese skill as soon as possible.