Engineering Design Process
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•Brainstorm ideas
•Choose the best
1.) ASK
•What are the problems?
•What are the constraints?
3.) PLAN
•Draw a diagram
•Gather needed materials
•Follow the plan
•Test it out!
•Discuss what can work better
•Repeat steps 1-5 to make changes
Core Technologies
1.) Thermal Technology
•The technology of producing, storing, controlling, transmitting, and getting work from heat energy.
•Ex: Heater
Technology: The application of knowledge, tools, and skills to solve practical problems and extend human capabilities.
Innovation: A concept developed within the scientific field of innovation studies which serves to explain the nature and rate of technological change.
Invention: The action of inventing something, typically a process or device.
3.) Optical Technology
•The technology of producing light; controlling light; using light for information collection, processing, storage, retrieval, and communication, and using light to do work.
•Ex: Laser light.
5.) Materials Technology
•The technology of producing, altering, and combining materials.
•Ex: Plastic, Plexiglass, ect.
4.) Mechanical Technology
•The technology of putting mechanical parts together to produce, control, and transmit motion.
•Ex: A bike.
6.) Fluid Technology
•The technology of using fluid, either gaseous (pneumatic) or liquid (hydraulics) to apply force or to transport.
•Ex: Car and other vehicles.
7.) Electronics Technology
•The technology of using small amounts of electricity for controlling; detecting; and information collecting, storing, retrieving, processing, and communicating.
•Ex: Computer and other electronic devices.
8.) Electrical Technology
•The technology of producing, storing, controlling, transmitting, and getting work from electrical energy.
•Ex: Light switch or charging phone.
9.) Bio Technology
•The technology of using, adapting, and altering (changing) organisms and biological processes for a desired outcome.
•Ex: The designing of organisms to produce antibiotics.
2.) Structural Technology
•The technology of putting parts and materials together to create supports, containers, shelters, connectors, and functional shapes.
•Ex: A bridge.
•What you want to happen.
•Command given to the system to reach the desired result. Ingredients that go into the system (tools, information, people, time, energy, materials) Process
•The result of the system.
•Information about the output that is used to adjust the system.