How has Technology, Culture, Economy and globalization increased us in the past 500 years?
The recipes people use in a country. Basically their specialty meal.
Ex* Mormon, Baptist
Is the way people in different countries speak to eachother
Ex* Spanish, Italian, Japanese, English
An invention that makes life easier and more efficient. (a way people communicate)
Ex* Phones, T.vs, Printers, GPS
Is how people use or spend their money. Also how much goods and products are sold for.
Sarah gave Nellie a bracelet for her Birthday. Nellie checked the receipt and it said it was $25.00!!
The market had fresh strawberries for $4.00! and it was just a little tub!
The spread of Religion has impacted globalization because Religions have spread all around the world.
The spread of food has impacted globalization because people have brought their food and recipes to many other places.
The spread of language has impacted globalization because people have brought their languages to different countries.
Technology has impacted globalization because its brought people closer together (and further apart).
Social Media
A way we can talk with people, you can see whats going on in the world. (News, Snap chat, Instagram, Messaging.
Technology, Culture, Economy and, globalization has increased us in the past 500 years by bringing us closer together and also giving us more to learn.